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The project is finished. The largest and most expensive model I have ever assembled and painted is complete. I’ve pretty much covered everything in the past 24 blog entries, so this post will just be pictures. Please click more after the jump, there is a pretty awesome group shot, the likes of which have rarely been seen before.
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Garfy is a UK hobbyist with over twenty years experience. He's a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine including 4 Armies of the Month features and has written articles for the Warhammer Community site. He holds 3 UK Golden Demon finalist pins and 2 Armies on Parade Gold award. His other passion is photography and cinematography, which he uses to great effect to deliver high quality content to the blog.
How does it fly when you throw it? Do you get a good distance?
With base, it weighs 5.5Ibs. Without base it's 4.3Ib. Pretty hefty.
Very, very good.
How much does the Thunderhak weigh?
I could imagine that the acrylic rod must must withstand some pressure.
Hehe They do if you have 14,000pts of Ultramarines and play apocalypse 😉
Heh. Ultramarines Stormraven. You know they don't get those, right? 😉
Very nice Gareth, i still haven't got a Thunderhawk, i always want to buy lots of smaller things with my money, but i got to have one, one day….i read your post on making the stand for it, not often u see them on a stand, I think it makes a big difference, i would be terrified of being anywhere near it though, cos knowing me i would knock it over and break it LOL….Nice to see what you been up to Garfy, not that u will probably remember me.
Wow, congrats on getting this one done! I loved to follow your progress through thros project, and the result is breathtaking. All those little details really bring that huge flying blue brick to life!
Wow…That's pretty outstandingly cool 🙂 And the photo setup must be huge. Good stuff
Outstanding work! A massive well done from me!
very nice paintjop, but i think more love for the base needed.
Lovely, lovely stuff there. Also slightly envious about your seemingly huge photo setup if you can get all these great models into one shot. 🙂
Anyway, amazing piece you got there and I like the design you put onto it. I can't recall seeing that one on UM Thunderhawks before but it's clear, straightforward and fits the model very well.
Congratulations, Garfy, that's quite an accomplishment. And the old bird came out wonderfully. May Absortio ever strike fear in the hearts of the enemies of the Imperium! Also, too, that group shot is stunning.
Hoo wee!! That is some dead sexy hobby porn! Fantastic paintjob and photos- well done sir!
The group shot… oh my.. Never seen this model in comparison to others as well as that one shot shows off! Great job! You did the model justice! Congrats!
Wow, those group shots are stunning:O
Not sure about the base though, maybe because of the vegation.
Never seen the tail end of this model. Great job painting love the white stripe, really breaks up the blue.