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It’s exactly a month ago today I received my review copy of Warcry from Games Workshop and what a month it’s been! I’ve made an unboxing video, I’ve played four games of which I’ve won a single match with the Iron Golems. I’ve created six detailed photo tutorials for you guys to paint your own models and with this post I’m pleased to say I’ve finished painting the Untamed Beasts to go with my finished Iron Golems. More pictures after the jump. 

I followed my own tutorials to paint this warband (Rocktusk Prowlerand Prey Taker) but I adapted the Prey Taker tutorial to include some different skin variations which I wanted to share here.

In the above picture, the left Plains Runner was painted with a Wraithbone basecoat. The three parts Contrast Medium was mixed with one part Rhinox Hide and painted all over the skin area. Once dry Darkoath Flesh was painted all over, being careful not to let the paint pool.

The middle Plains Runner was painted with a Wraithbone basecoat. The three parts Contrast Medium was mixed with one part Abaddon Black and painted all over the skin area. Once dry Darkoath Flesh was painted all over, being careful not to let the paint pool. Once that was a dry a second coat of Darkoath Flesh was added.

The Plains runner on the right hand side of the above picture was painted with a Wraithbone basecoat. The three parts Contrast Medium was mixed with one part Deathclaw Brown and painted all over the skin area. Once dry Guilliman Flesh was painted all over, being careful not to let the paint pool.

Another change to the tutorial was I added a highlight step to the bone. All the bone areas were highlighted with Screaming Skull layer paint. 

Contrast paints have made painting these super fast. I actually shudder to think how long all that bone would have taken the old way and it wouldn’t have looked as good as this. 

All that remains from the starter set is five Furies and five Raptoryx. One final push to finish the set!

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Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay