Hey guy’s, today I am showing a recently finished Ironjawz Megaboss on Maw-Krusha.
The model took quite a long time to paint and I’m pretty happy with how he turned out. It was also refreshing to paint a Warhammer fantasy model after so many 40K ones. I will for certain be painting more of the Age of Sigmar releases as I was very impressed with the quality of the model. A few weeks ago I picked up the Silver Tower box set, so hopefully I will be tackling that soon. What do you think?
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I just picked up a Maw Crusha this week and was hoping to see if you could tell me how you achieved the color scheme on this maw crusha? Thank you and happy new year!
I absolutely love this model! Great work.
I have seen dozens of photos of this model, but this one is the first to make me want to go out and get it. Good work
What really strikes me is how well you adapted your style to this minature. Your work on 40k minis always presents that distressed and lived appearance that really makes it believable this is a soldier or tank that has been in the feel. In this case it translates to a very organic and real feeling. I don't feel I'm looking at something from a fantasy world but something I could see in the Amazon. Well done!!
Amazing model and paint job! For my own taste, I would've liked to see a little more green on the front arms. I really LOVE that grey underside to green topside skin!
That model looks so much better when it's painted well. Great as always!
Bring on the AoS, dude!
great work!
I stopped playing Orcs a long time ago but that model is fucking dope…