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Hey guys! I’ve finished one of the units of Dracothian Guard I’ve recently been working on. The first finished unit are the Fulminators!

I decided to batch paint all four of my Dracothian Guard as I showed in my previous WIP post. Once I’d got all four to the same stage I then worked on each Dracoth and rider separately. Compared to my Lord-Celestant on Dracoth and Lord-Celestant on Stardrake, I’ve made a couple of little changes to my painting scheme. I’ve darkened the horns on the Dracoth to make them a slightly different tone to the teeth, and I’ve also added a green glaze to the riders’ plumes to make them look different to the Dracoth skin. I’ll go back and make these changes on my previously finished models too.

I think my most favourite part of painting on these models were the cloaks. I painted them Khorne Red, shaded Druchii Violet thinned with Lahmian Medium, and then I layered up Wazdaka Red, Evil Sunz Scarlet, Wild Rider Red and Fire Dragon Bright. I then glazed it all Bloodletter, and then added more Druchii Violet in the recesses. I’ve tried to refine the wear on the cloaks too, I’m trying to improve my scratches and I think they look better on these models compared to the Lord-Celestant and Stardrake cloaks. I’ve also slightly changed how I highlighted them, I highlighted with Fire Dragon Bright instead of white, which I think makes them more subtle. Again, I will go back and correct these on my previous models. 

I’d love to know what you think! I’ve nearly finished painting a 2000 point army to use in a tournament in a week, I just have to finish the other unit of Dracothian Guard and then I will paint up a unit of Liberators. I’ll post a photo of the army so far soon, my Stormcast collection is nowhere near complete yet, and I’m excited to add more to it!