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Hey all, its a been a busy week for me. I am currently painting up a
Dark Elves army and should have some photos up on Tale of Painters in
the coming weeks. As a side break I have also been painting up Forge
World’s Horus and the new Mortarion, which I picked up at London Comic
con last weekend. I have been meaning to paint Horus for quite a while
now, so it’s kind of fun finally working on the model. I have been
looking a lot at the art work from various artists portraying Horus in
the book Visions of Heresy. Its interesting how all these artists
portray Horus slightly differently. I decided to go for a mixture of
what I looked at. The Horus above is in mid stage, but should have him
finished later today. What do you think?
ThirdEyeNuke is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
Ouh… Horus met the Mountain too, mh?
Another project I'm looking forward to seeing the results of!
Looking good, always nice to see a model I afraid to show Horus after the Heresy 😉
Pretty sure all the artists showed Horus with his head 😛 Looks awesome!
Looks fantastic so far, looking forward to the completed model. I'm really curious how you got the armor to look like that though; it almost looks like it's stippled.
Hey Fray. Its not stippling, its basically just spraying Vallejo Chrome on top of the model.
Oh this looks gorgeous so far! I look forward to seeing the finished product.
Hey cheers CJ 🙂 I'm just finishing him of now, so he should be up in the next few days.
The red lights inside the head hole are amazing, is it all airbrush? Shouldn't be the armor black? By the time he had the gauntlet, his armor was painted shining black.
I guess it subject to interpretation. I know in the books his army was described as being black. But I decided to follow the art work by different artists in the book Visions of Heresy. Painting shown by various artists had painted his armour either dark blue, purple, dark grey, grey and black. That's once he has the gauntlet. Its pretty much the same for his face, some artists painted his face a glowing red, some natural flesh colour and one I saw with tattoo's running down his eyes.
I was wondering when you would tackle this. Your high contrast with pale pastels style really suits this one to perfection!