Today I can finally present you my Sector Fronteris gaming board from Kill Team: Moroch. This black-and-white collection of terrain features all of the pieces from the Moroch board, plus a few other things as well. Check out more pictures and learn how I painted this scenery collection in this showcase post.

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Killzone Moroch

Here we have the completed board. I painted all the terrain from the Kill Team: Moroch box (kindly provided by Games Workshop), plus added a few more pieces from my collection. Like some boxes and barrels from the Munitorum Armoured Containers, some additional Ryza pattern ruins, and a Storage Fane from the 9th Edition Starter set.

Sector Fronteris board with terrain from Kill Team Moroch, painted by Stahly

As you might notice, I didn’t use the gaming board that came originally with the Moroch box. Instead, I went for the grey rubble board from the 40k starter set, that matches the grey texture I do on most of my bases. This creates a greyscale look with very few colour accents, though there is a rich bronze featuring on all pieces. I like it when terrain takes a step back and lets the miniatures shine.

The Sector Fronteris terrain

Here you can see individual pictures from the Sector Fronteris terrain pieces that come in the box set. More pictures can be found in this and this post.

How to paint Sector Fronteris terrain

As you can see, I painted my Sector Fronteris terrain with quick and effective methods. I mainly used spray cans, drybrushing, and sponge weathering, and only picked out the minimum amount of details to get these on the battlefield as quickly as possible. The black compliments the grey gaming board nicely, and the light grey is directly inspired by the grey pieces of rubble you find on the Warhammer 40.000 9th Edition Sector Manufactorum gaming board.

How to paint Killzone Moroch Patreon banner

A detailed step-by-step tutorial for painting this scheme can be found on my Patreon. You can access this and a couple other masterclass PDF tutorials and hobby resources such as my hand-painted “one coat” paint chart for a small monthly donation, which helps to support my work and grow Tale of Painters. Cheers!

Cinematic shot of a Raven Guard Phobos Kill Team on Killzone Moroch terrain

I would like to conclude this post with this cinematic picture of my Raven Guard Phobos Strike Team. As they’re happen to be black and white as well, they happen to blend into the environment super stealthily. You can check out pictures of my Kill Team here.

It feels really good to have a whole box of terrain painted, and another of my hobby goals for this year is to paint a complete Gallowdark board next (you can find my free tutorial here).

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