Hey guys, just back from a 10 day holiday and looking forward to returning to painting.
Today I thought I would show a few of the Khorne Daemonkin models I have been working on. The intention was to gather a small army for myself that I could use in play. But sadly I don’t know if I can do this as from just doing a few test models it’s taking a lot longer than I have time available. That’s the thing about being a commission painter in that I judge everything by time and when I paint for myself its time taken from when I should be painting for others. So sadly I think the Khorne Daemonkin army is not going to happen and will have to be put to one side. Anyway on a more positive note I do have a almost complete Necron army that I was painting for myself last year. And for that army I only need to finish a couple of units to make it playable. So hopefully if I get the time I will finish it off. What do you guys think? Have you started painting armies and then realised you just don’t have the time to paint them?
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Pretty much describes my life, I think. Never actually finished my Eldar, bought the first piece 20 years ago. Still enjoy painting, though.
Totally understand the direction you are coming from. I bought up a rather large Imperial Guard army and have had it sitting half unpainted for almost 2 years now. With work, kids and other commitments I seldom find time to paint. Its a shame really as I would love to have more time.
What you have done so far though looks really nice, but I can imagine as a commission painter it cant be that much fun painting for yourself.
yeah correct, it's not much fun. In theory I like the idea of painting for myself. But when it comes to the action I always feel guilty that I should be painting for someone else rather than myself. In some ways I feel more relaxed painting for others than myself. Kind of odd really 🙂