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Today on the blog I want you check your auspex scanners and probe the shadows as we delve into a hulk to find the Genestealer Patriarch. More pictures after the jump.

I started this model two months ago. During January I was a little lost in the hobby. I didn’t really know what I wanted to work on so I picked up a couple of things to try and one of them was a Genestealer Patriarch. I was had nearly finished but then I got distracted by Slaves to Darkness. Two months later and I’m self isolating and have a little more time on my hands. 

I really like this colour scheme. I wanted to use a blue black for the skin and a grey black for the carapace. I added the pink spot colour to make the dark paint scheme pop. I don’t think I’m going to continue with the Genestealer Cult army just at the moment, I might return to them in the future though. 

My last post on the blog was about a month ago. Since then I’ve been busy building and undercoating models. I’m looking forward to sharing some of those with you guys in my next post. 

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