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Hi everyone, here’s my latest finished unit for my Stormcast Eternals, a unit of Dracothian Guard Tempestors!
The Tempestors will join my Fulminators I recently finished for my army. I’m not sure if I’ll add any more Dracothian Guard now, if I do it will probably be after I finish the main bulk of my collection, and I may go for a unit of the other variants if so.
I really enjoyed painting the Dracothian Guard, I especially liked painting the riders and their cloaks. I’m moving on to paint a unit of Liberators next which I’m looking forward to painting!
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Amy is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse her archived posts by clicking on this banner.
Looks great! I am wondering, for these models, did you need to break it down into several sub components before painting? Or just rider and mount? Usually I stay away from models where there are a ton of sub-components needed for painting.
I painted them rider and mount separately. I didn't feel like it needed to be further sub-divided into sections really it was easy to paint the two components all together 🙂
Wow!I've been really impressed with all of your Stormcast miniatures. Any chance you could do a step by step tutorial on how you've painted them?