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Hey all, today I thought I’d share my work on my Imperial Fist army.
I have been very busy with commission work as late so sadly have been not able to finish these guys. But hopefully this little 1K army will pick up and eventually it will be completed before the end of the year. I also thought that I would add a quick photo of Kharn the Betrayer that I have been working on. What do you think so far?
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That's a great shade of yellow you've applied (& obviously beautifully executed). What colour did you use? I tried an Army Builder 'Middlestone' spra,y which is a darker yellow shade for WW2 German vehicles, in the past; but I'm really impressed with your pallet, its distinctively Imperial Fist without being bright yellow.
Really like your pale yellow approach to Imperial Fists.
Oh hey fists are a new legion for you! i love how you have applied your style to them!
Beautiful Fists! Love the look of these. I dread painting yellow. Nice Kharn too.
That Kharn is looking sweet. Nice Imperial Fist's also!