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Did some more work on Zarbag’s Gitz. Inspired by the Boggleye in the Gobbapalooza set (seriously, what a great set) I decided to paint Zarbag’s hood yellow. I’ll also want to add some freehanded “flames” like on the ‘Eavy Metal version but in black, kinda inverted. The firefly trapped in his lantern was painted in the same way like my Nighthaunts, hinting at some sort of ethereal spirit. As you might notice, I changed the colour of the wooden bows and staff to a brownish grey, like on my Sepulchral Guard. Felt more consistent. The dark green (seen on the model on the left) also looked a bit weird on the arrows in combination with the yellow fletchings. I’ll repaint the models from the first batch to match.

Hope I can present you the finished warband soon!