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Here it is, my Orc team for Blitz Bowl, the little sister of Blood Bowl: the Gouged Eye Scarry Ladz. I painted these in only three weeks! A new record for me. Check out more pictures after the jump.

The paint scheme is, of course, the classic Goff klan from Warhammer 40.000. I really love this scheme, it’s brutal and effective. I painted these models in a more “economic” and time-saving way than usual, so these models took me only three weeks to complete (I actually finished these models a while ago but haven’t got around posting them yet, in case you are wondering). And for game pieces, they don’t look too bad either. I prepared a detailed step-by-step tutorial, so keep an eye on the blog, it will be published soon.

I used a couple of transfers, the numbers are from the Blood Bowl Orc sheet, while the checkerboard pattern comes from the Ultramarines transfers from the Dark Imperium box. I cut them to size and added some sponge weathering to them so they better blend in. The positions on the base trims are custom printed transfers I made by myself, they match the style of my Skaven team.

And, of course, some markers and a ball. The deep red of the ball was basecoated with Warpaints Chaotic Red, shaded with Agrax Earthshade, then highlighted with Khorne Red and Tuskgor Fur.

Here is the whole team in all it’s krumpin’ glory. I love Blitz Bowl, it’s fun, plays fast, and you only need to paint six models. Which means you can paint two or three different small teams instead of one big team, much more enjoyable for me. Next up will be humans, to complete both teams of the Blitz Bowl box. Stay tuned.

How do you like my “Scarry Ladz”? Would you like to see the tutorial? Leave a comment or reaction below!