Hey everyone! Lecoqadoodledo back with a few Sylvaneth characters I worked on in between other projects this year. I was a big fan of both the Branchwych and the new Drycha miniature when they were released, and just had to paint them for my army. Back before Age of Sigmar, with the help of a couple friends, I came up with a scheme for Wood Elf forest spirits based on the ghost gum trees we have here in Australia; white bark with the red brown bark underneath. I refined it a little by adding more colours to the leafage for these models, and overall I’m incredibly pleased with the result.
The Branchwych was the first model I tackled, and it was one of the rare times my initial vision for the miniature was spot on with the end result. The blade was the toughest part, as working up through blues to a bone, and finally white was something I’d never done before.
The new range of forest spirits also inspired me to go back and paint this metal Branchwraith which I received as a gift. It was a real test getting all the bark like striations down on her body to look natural, but in the end I think it all worked out.
Lastly, I got to Drycha Hamadreth. This was pretty daunting to begin with as larger models are not my specialty, and they always test my patience. She ended up being a project I’d stop and start over a few months, but I managed to finish her off a couple weeks ago.
I hope you’ve all enjoyed my lady trees, and I’ll be back soon enough to show off some Space Marines. Happy hobbying!
I really like the blue contrasting with the warm colours of the bark and hive details.
Outstanding work!
Thank you! I'm glad you like them!
How did you do the honeycomb sections? I love the yellow you have and was thinking of applying it to some Kabalite armour.
Thanks! The yellow was done as follows:
Basecoat XV-88
Shade Casandora Yellow
Layer XV-88
Layer Tau Light Ochre
Layer/Highlight Ungor Flesh
Highlight Ushabti Bone
always a pleasure to see your work mate. Been waiting to see the finished Drycha. Love the tones of her blue flesh! really smooth and the eyes really draws you to her head. Love it! really clean job =)
Thanks Juinn! Always means a lot to have you like my work!
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excellent! one of the nicest Drycha's I have seen. really like the pale bark; never imagined her as such. I was planning on going super dark with mine, but may have to re-think my approach.
How did you go about painting the white bark?
Prime Chaos Black
Basecoat Rakarth Flesh
Wash Reikland Fleshshade
Re-layer Rakarth Flesh on the raised areas of bark
Highlight Pallid Wych Flesh
Hope that helps!
Great results! I really like the colours for the trees you`ve used.