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Another week, another Marine added to my Deathwatch. This time I’ve painted the Devastator heavy weapons expert, Rodricus Grytt from the Imperial Fists. More angles and pics including a group shot so far after the jump

To paint this model I actually combined two of my tutorials. I used myImperial Fist tutorial and my Deathwatch tutorial. 

How awesome do these guys look standing together. This is real motivation to get some more of these guys painted.

If you need motivation paint your set then check out our community painting group called ‘Paint Your Games Support’, or as we like to refer to ourselves as PYGS. We share our work and offer encouragement to each other to finish our projects.

If you’re working on your Deathwatch Overkill set and would like to receive and offer encouragement from others working on their boxed game then we’d like you to join us over on the PYGS facebook page. All you have to do is post your pictures in the Facebook group and I’ll regularly round them up and post them on Tale of Painters.

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