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Today we can proudly declare a partnership long in the making: As of next month, Tale of Painters will cease to exist in its current shape, while our writers will officially join the ranks of Games Workshop’s Warhammer Community blog. After over 5 years of daily hobby blogging, and countless features in White Dwarf and other GW media, it just made perfect sense for us to dare the next step. We are very grateful for the opportunity, and appreciate the way Games Workshop interacts with the community.

Unfortunately, this means that most of the content of Tale of Painters will become lost in the process, as most of our models and tutorials feature non-GW products and paints, which naturally can’t turn up on a Games Workshop website. We hope you’ll understand.

Our blog will go offline on April 30, so if you are interested in our old posts and tutorials, save what you can until then. But don’t worry, plenty of new content is in the works. Maybe you’ll see Amy’s Age of Sigmar armies in Warhammer TV battle reports, or Garfy co-hosting a painting tutorial with Duncan. Exciting times! We hope to see you all over on Warhammer Community, soon.