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Hey all and hope your Monday is going well. Today I thought I’d show a Forge World Colossal Squig that I painted quite a few years ago.
I’m sure it was from around 4 or 5 years, which is quite a long time when you think about it in painting terms. Nowadays that model would most likely be on a round base and it’s kind of strange seeing the old square bases. It really shocked me when I found the image of the Giant Squig as I had totally forgotten that I painted him. Thinking back I used to really like this model. What do you think?
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ThirdEyeNuke is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
I always like seeing your skill ThirdEye. It's super cool seeing your work every time 🙂
Thats good!!
Love your stuff! I really like the way the eyes turned out.
In your own excellent, inimitable style. Great work, even if ''very' old.