Hey guys, today I present you the finished Thunderfire Cannon including its Techmarine operator, painted for my Ultramarines collection. More detailed pictures of both the Cannon and the Techmarine after the jump.
The first thing that strikes the eye is probably the custom base. I sawed a 60 mm round base in two halves and used two 20mm square bases for extending (and some plastic card and green stuff to fill the gaps) . I think the base adds a lot to the model, it’s more stable and bring the cannon on the same level as the Techmarine.
Assembling the cannon was a bit tricky, as they made the model overly complicated with lots of small parts. Painting wasn’t too hard though. I applied a basecoat of Boltgun Metal with my airbrush and then it was mainly washing and drybrushing apart for some of the details.
When I built the Techmarine, I managed to snap some of the delicate resin parts. Annoying. I did my best to repair them, but it wasn’t always possible, so I had to make some concessions on the final model. Hopefully it’s not too noticable.
Painting-wise I chose a classic all red armour paint scheme, with just a couple of blue hints. Painting the armour was pretty fun, because it’s the first model in my Ultramarines army with such a large amount of red areas. Painting all those servo harnish arms was a drag though, and I think you can tell when you look at the model. Some of the highlights look a bit rushed I admit, but at an arm length it’s ok I guess.
How do you like my Techmarine and his huge toy?
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hehe I managed to snag one of these from aliE right before they got raided and ended up paying onlya third of the cost. And the quality is good enough for me and anyone looking at it unless I tell them
Really nice work there- I have the same model waiting to be assembled and painted although mine will be done in the colours of Dorn's boys for my small yet powerful allied detachment for my Dark Angel army (So I can still get to use the nice gear that the Lion's lads can't) Inspirational and thanks for the heads up I shall be uber careful when assembling so to avoid any breakages-well thats the plan lol- great work thanks for showing how it's done.
Excellent work, Stahly! Makes me want to get one.
I always wanted to try the tactic of having a big squad of scouts with sniper rifles and camo cloaks in a ruined building, and then have a Tech Marine in the army to "Bolster Defences" on them. So, what's that – Cover save in Ruins – 4+, Camo Cloaks +1, Bolster Defences +1, so, theyt have a 2+ Cover Save in Ruins… That would make them a very tough nut to crack…
Excellent as always Stahly!
Looks great!
Was the part you broke the loader arm?
Hi Stahly!
the model is great and I wish I were able to do something like that "in a rush" 🙂 Unfortunatelly, it is not the case. Keep up with such a fantastic work, mate!
P.S.-what kind of grass did you use? It is not GW or GF9…what is it?
Looks amazing boss. A worthy addition to your already incredible collection. Love it.
'Rushed'? 'Ok at arms length'!?
I don't think you know the meanings of the words, these models are fantastic as usual. Really makes me want to pick one up, and I don't even play space marines.