I should really talk about my painting here, but you’ve heard it all before, so here’s an interesting fact for you, did you know the price of this squad on the UK Games Workshop site is £15. That’s insane! That’s a decked out pack of elite fighters for £3 a model. The weapon options on the sprue is off the hook as well. It’s insane what you get on the sprue. It shocked me that I had to share that with you guys.
What other bargains do you think Games Workshop has? Is they’re a better purchase on their site where you get more bang for your buck?
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The new Primaris easy fit models (mostly from the Dark Imperium box) are a steal at $15 for 3 when they launch this weekend.
5 wolf guard are $42 aud on the Australian site 🙁
Best deal quality wise is probably Dark Eldar Scourges, cost £15.
15 figures are in the Netherlands 40 euros. Is even cheaper.
But the space wolf pack box is £23. Exactly the same sprues so why pay more than half the price for only half the models?
OR go for the blood claws bundle at £30 and you get 15 of them!!! £2 each and a lot of space wolves!