Well, after deviating into historical wargaming for a bit I’m back to painting Space Marines. 🙂
Above you can see a bunch of WIP Wolf Guard (atypically with combi-plasmarifles instead of the usualy combi-meltaguns)
…and here we got a bunch of Long Fangs along with two Wolf Guard Terminators who snuck in. These, plus a bunch more Space Wolves, have to be finished for a big event starting on the 15th of August which would go a-okay.
I hope that you like them. 🙂
P.S.: Didn’t Stahly do a splendid job on the new design of the Tale of Painters? I like it. Not quite as dark any more and even clearer and sleeker than before.
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@M R Lee: Thanks! 🙂
@Ashley: Cheers. It's all about contrast, even with battle-damaged and dirty and whatnot Marines.
@40k Giveaway: Thanks. The bases will get a different shade of grey (no, not referencing this silly book because everything you read about that online is just stupid marketing, no matter if positive or negative. :p ), some more drybrushing and of course snow!
@Zab: Hope you made sure to ask your daughter before you damaged up her Razorback. 😉
@Nestor Volakis: Thanks and yus, it's the veterans. Really pretty models and poses. It's not my own army, it's a commission bit (the fourth or so add-on to a SW army I did last year). I'm an IG man mostly but also got an Ork and a SoB army. Currently thinking of revamping my SoB army as IG got kind of boring to me. I love my Orks (really should post some pictures some time) but they suffer from a few in-game drawbacks and maybe I should reduce their actions to Rogue Trader/2nd edition battles. The SoBs I really like because of course of the beautiful models and because you gotta be mobile. (my Orks are pretty much shooty)
Really nice painting on these models. I especially like the inclusion of the veteran models (am I correct?) as WG and the detailed battle damage on their armour. Hope you will be able to get your force ready by the 15th.
Love that battle damage. My DA are very clean but i think that I may do Space wolves, Flesh Tearers or Crimson fists next just so i can do some battle damage on the models. I did some on my daughter's BA razorback and it looks BOSS.
Great work, good colors overall and very nice cloth. I can't tell if the bases are complete or just wearing the primers…will they be developed further?
Really nice. Gives me some good inspiration for my upcoming Space Wolf army. The red makes them stand out very well.
Nice work on the SWs there. Really liking the armor and reds you have done. Especially the highlights on the red. Fantastic so far..