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Do you remember my post about selling my Anti-spill paint pot holders? Well I’ve expanded my range with these fun, hobby orientated tea coasters. Immortalising the words of the talented Mr Rhodes these coasters/beer mats are a tribute to the Lord of Layers Duncan. I’ve actually posted the very first one off the print bed to Duncan as a gift, I hope he likes it. More colours after the jump.
They make a great little addition to your painting area. Check them out over on eBay. They’re printed in ABS plastic and are temperature resistant up to around 220ºC and won’t warp and there is a whole choice of colours.
Garfy is a UK hobbyist with over twenty years experience. He's a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine including 4 Armies of the Month features and has written articles for the Warhammer Community site. He holds 3 UK Golden Demon finalist pins and 2 Armies on Parade Gold award. His other passion is photography and cinematography, which he uses to great effect to deliver high quality content to the blog.
If you want to offer your wares after providing years of great painting posts and high quality tutorials for free be my guest. I’m more then happy to buy a good item and also support a hobbyist contributing to the community. I am the proud owner of 3 anti-spill paint pot holders, and I’m happy to report no spills!!
Thank you mate.
I thought the point of a coaster or beer mat was to avoid condensation pooling and affecting the (ordinarily varnished wood)surface? I guess they also protect from heat damage in the case of mugs, but this coaster seems like it would just leave you with hexes rather than rings.
Yeah exactly this. I don't think heat damage from a cup of tea is an issue on any table surface, much less your hobby table. Usually you use a tea coaster to protect against damage from condensation buildup… Then again I'm not British so I may be in "deep waters" here… X)
I've been using one of these all year and there are no condensation drips or tea stains shaped hexes. No tea rings on my desk or anything. It's doing a grand job.
Be nice if you made an effort to paint something for once instead of just flogging your wares…
Aww, I didn't know you missed my posts anonymous. I didn't miss you.
PS, there is a WIP post from a couple of days ago I posted. Go check it out.
Weyyyy. Well done! Only took you 2 months of flogging your 3d printed crap to remember you're part of a hobby blog.
Tea coaster. Great idea, maybe more skulls than hex’s for next design? 😉