Hey guys, when you’ve visited the blog today, you probably noticed our all new blog design 🙂 We’ve been tinkering with this for quite a while. We are happy to be able to share the fruits of our work today. Of course, the new design doesn’t only bring cosmetic changes. It brings optimisation for larger screen sizes, for touch- and retina-displays, all while the layout fluidly adapts to the size of your device. This so called “responsive” design makes it much more comfortable to enjoy Tale of Painters on your mobile devices.

This site contains affiliate links you can use to support Tale of Painters. As Amazon Associates, eBay partners, and partners of our partner shops we earn from qualifying purchases. Thanks :)

But that’s not all. We’re also pleased to share our new Youtube channel, a handy site to find all of ThirdEyeNuke’s and Garfy’s video in one place. Check it out and subscribe merrily! We’ve also got a new Pinterest board, but we’d like to introduce that on another occasion, as we’re still working on that.

We hope you enjoy the new design and if you encounter any problems, please share them in the comments along with your device, operating system and browser.