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Hi everyone, I’m back here again with another showcase with this time being the general for my 1000 point Nighthaunt Army. With that I give you the Tomb Banshee.Since this is the general for my army, I wanted to try something different on her.

I decided not to go all ethereal on her but have some material that I can practice texture and weathering on thus the scheme is different to Games Workshop’s box art. I tired to add scratches to represent the wear of the material followed by a gradation into light blue to highlight that the cloth also has an ethereal quality to it.

Overall I’m pretty pleased with the outcome. I’ll certainly be revisiting adding texture to textiles or clothing on models in the future. This is just the start! Hope you all liked the Tomb Banshee. I’ll be posting another Nighthaunt miniature soon!

Let me know what you think in the comments below! Happy painting everyone!