Today I got another model from my Adeptus Mechanicus Kill Team for you: a Sicarian Infiltrator Princeps clad in the bone-white and red robes of Forge World Metalica, armed with taser goad and flechette pistol. Check out all the pictures in this post.

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Adeptus Mechanicus Forge World Metalica Sicarian Infiltrator Princeps Scenic Shot

I really like this model, it’s probably my favourite miniature from all the models I painted for my Adeptus Mechanicus Kill Team so far. The servo skull attached to the backpack is so cool. Also, the Princeps’ robes will tie the Infiltrators to my Skitarii, creating a visual link between both unit types.

Like all Adeptus Mechanicus models, the Infiltrator Princeps took ages to paint. Just as with the rest of the Mechanicus range there are so many tiny little details and different textures to pick out. I think I must have spent almost two weeks on him – I hope the time was well spent.

For the glow on the taser goad’s energy cell, I used the same recipe as in my plasma glow tutorial, check it out if you haven’t yet.

Only two more Skitarii to paint to complete a basic 100 pts loadout, so stay tuned, and if you like what you see, leave a comment or reaction below!