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For the past couple of months I’ve been posting sporadic WIP posts and not many finished projects. I’m going to use today’s post to take stock of what is on my painting desk and what needs to get finished. Check it out after the jump. 

Ok, firstly lets talk about the first picture. After my first game, I really wanted to expand to 1500pts quickly so I bought some new models. I’ve picked up box of Dracothian Guard, a Celestar Ballista and a Knight Incantor. 

This is the problem. Because I wanted them ready for my next game I’ve just been trying to get base colours on them at least. I’ve stretched myself too thinly and ended up with a lot of half finished projects. 

Stormcast Eternal Liberators my latest whole unit painted and added to the force.

 Stormcast Eternal Retributors. Upgraded from three models to five with two Starsoul Maces (thank you Sylvain for the spare parts)

To untangle this bundle of projects, I thought I’d go back to the oldest two WIP units first. The Liberators and the Retributors. Half a day of painting saw me add all the finishing touches to complete both of those units. That felt good. I need to capitalise on this little victory and keep going.

So what’s next? I think I’m going to finish the Knight Incantor next. It should be another quick success because he’s a single model and I’m quite far along on it. It would be good to get him on his base. I’ve pinned him to a Get-a-Grip cork so I can paint his robes and inbetween his legs easier.

After the Knight Incantor, I’m not sure if I should finish the Celestar Ballista or the Dracothian Guard next? I’ll see how I feel when I get to that point.

I’m already beginning to contemplate what I should get for the next 500pts? I’m thinking maybe 500pts of Stormcast Vanguard? Or maybe something big like a Celestant Prime or a Star Drake? What do you think?

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay