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Last night I started putting together a Tau Riptide Battle Suit for an upcoming review of the kit and I’m a bit stumped for how to equip the fellow. So I thought I’d ask you good people for your opinions on the subject. What is your preferred weapons/support systems load-out on the model? And while we’re at it – any preferred colour schemes?
Looking forward to seeing your suggestions in the comments section!
Sigur is a full-time professional painter and founder of Battle Brush Studios.
As a passionate wargamer he champions variety in miniature gaming, be it figuress, rules sets or hobby supplies. His collection includes a variety of scales, historical periods and settings, such as Space Orks, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, Dark Elves, Ancient Persians, Thirty Years War, Napoleonics, WW2 and much more.
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Just equip the riptide with both weapons and the shield. That way you can use both in your list, right? and it looks badass!
I use the Ion Accelerator, however I feel like people over exaggerate the "Gets Hot" for the Heavy Burst Cannon.
You can take your armor save against gets hot, as well as a Feel No Pain if you have it. That's a pretty low chance for taking a Gets Hot wound, even with 12 shots.
I like the fusion since you can over charge it to get two shots. Pretty sweet to have a durable fast unit that can get close to unleash the melta. Also did the ion accelerator but both main guns are a good option depending on what you are after
I magnetized mine too, the Burst cannon agains hordes, is really helpfull but the Ion acceleator is the best one.
and for Secondary Weapon, the SMS is a good bet, the Fusion blaster biggest draw back is tht it is a single shot.
I agree with magnetising the weapons. Visually, I prefer the Heavy Burst Cannon, but unless you're going to dedicate enough Markerlights to ensure a BS 6, or give it some other form of re-roll (Eldar buddy-system is my fav, but have to see the new Eldar codex to know if that is still true), it's not reliably safe to overcharge – and overcharging it one of it's big strengths.
For secondary, it would be based on what role you want for your 'Tide. I use mine for Anti-Air/Anti-Deep Strike, so I mount Ion w/ Fusion Blasters – good against vehicles and Terminators.
I have magnetised both my riptides with 3x1mm in the large bits and 2x1mm magnets on the 'connector' piece connecting the weapon with the arm.
Having all weapon options is always great.
The burst cannon sadly is pretty useless compared to the ion accelerator, get's hot and 12 shots isn't that brilliant a combination. As for secondary I would say that depends on the rest of your list, if you lack terminator killing power than go with the plasma, if you are more specifically after tank hunting go for the fusion blaster.
Heavy burst cannon ain't bad when you boost bs to 6 with 3 markerlights. That way you re-roll the ones.