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Warhammer 40,000 Conquest issue 20 is the third and final part of the Munitorum Armoured Container set. As you can see from above I’ve been boxing clever and managed to finish it really quickly. These storage units have been a barrel of laughs to paint. After the jump I share a group shot of all the terrain. 

Issue 20. That’s a quarter of the way through this project.

I’m really happy with the overall look of the terrain set. Red and green are opposite each other on the colour wheel so that makes them complimentary and the brown is there to help tie in my steel legion drab bases. The brown is such a desaturated colour it’s neutralised by the red and green. It barely registers which is fine as I don’t want three colours fighting each other. I’m planning on using these colours for the rest of the terrain in the Conquest set. Should make for an interesting table that isn’t just dry brushed grey.  

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