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Hi everyone, SpaceShrimp reporting in from the Precipice with…some Rammstein lyrics for you? Ladies, gentlemen, mutants and hybrids, I present to you: Rein and Raus. More after the Mag-lift.

How can you not adore these lil’ guys? Charming, mischievous, yet you still know they would completely kick ass when it comes down to it. The weapons and armour are indeed cool – that grapple hook looks ace – but what really makes them shine is all the additional kit they carry. It paints such a detailed picture of their different roles, yet also their synergy as a fighting duo. For example, one of them clearly carries food for both. In his pouch is a loaf of bread, an apple, and I painted the other misc stuff as bananas – just because you are in a BlackStone Fortress doesn’t mean you can scrimp on your 5 a day!

I haven’t really gone into how I base these miniatures, and I can appreciate that they are a bit hard to see because of the glare from the varnish. Essentially, I take a standard filled-in base and I sand it down with increasingly fine grit sandpaper saturated in water. I then add rocks and debris, undercoat and start painting the lines and stardust stuff. To add a figure, I need to remove the ‘slot bar’ from their feet, file the soles of their feet down so they stand level, and then super glue them onto these finished bases.

This seems laborious but it actually saves me a lot of time. I can batch paint the bases and not stress about trying to paint straight lines around shoes or hard to reach places.

The potential room for mishap with this method is getting a bit clipper/scalpel happy and accidently…cutting off a miniatures’ toes.

Yep, it happened. “No worries,” I said loudly and confidently to myself as my eyes watered with disbelief. I can green stuff the heck out of these feet. They are pretty much the biggest part of the model.So, I gave it my best shot. Unfortunately my best shot left a lot to be desired and Raus’ toes look like thick-cut chips.

Apart from the slight hiccup with the basing, these models of course were an absolute joy to assemble and paint and I think they will be getting a lot of use from me in future games.

Stay tuned for more news from the Precipice coming soon.