Hey folks, another quick update coming at you! This time it’s the recently released reimagination of Kharn the Betrayer. Learn my opinion on him after the jump!
My all time favourite GW miniature and the guy who started it all for me – Kharn the Betrayer. Love his classic pose, hand sculpted features and in-game rules. He won me many a battle (and lost probably about as many), and the time finally came for him to be reborn in plastic.
Since the first time I saw him, I wasn’t a fan of his pose, not only because it’s a straight up copy-paste from Forge World’s Kharn the Bloody (but mirrored) but also because GW’s version is so bent, it almost looks as he’s tripping on his own feet. The chains wrapped around his Gorechild arm swing really high and in a weird direction to his own run, breaking the flow of the otherwise well-executed dynamism.
I also don’t quite like the over the top “Dark Vengeance” style additions such as face-tusks and weird Age of Sigmar-y thigh armour plates – Khorne Berzerkers are almost always pictured as wearing heresy era power armour marks, but aren’t really warp-mutated. At least apart from those few nits, the overall Jes Goodwin design remains pretty much unchanged (Thank all four gods!)
I’d love to hear your own thoughts on this reimagined Kharn, so let me know! See you next time.
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I think I'll have to agree with the first post. Its well painted, but needs something to give it contrast and stand out more. Maybe a oil wash!!!
Probably the best painted model I've seen on this page in awhile- nice work.
If I could give advice I would darken down the model with some washes. At the moment he looks a bit to bright and not very scary Kharn. Joe
He's enough eavy metal style badass for me 🙂 and I think more washes would cover those black-red blending on legs. Great work really 😀 I was fighting against this one once and saw many times on table, much better irl than on photos.