Showcase: High King of Knight House Teldor
Hi, all! A quick look at a quick paint job of a High King of my Knight House Teldor, marching for the Ministorum. I used the model of Rogue Trader Janus Draik from the Blackstone Fortress set. Can you identify the small changes I made…
WIP: Blackstone Fortress UR-025
Welcome back to the Precipes everyone! Today we are going to look at a WIP of U2-025 with a break down of the paints used to create the blue panelling. More after the Mag-lift. So, I have an own-brew Ultramarines successor chapter that follows pretty much this…
Showcase: Blackstone Fortress Ur-ghuls
Hey everyone. Precipice news bringing you tales of a Xeno with more nose-holes than limbs – the ever creepy Urghul. More after the Mag- lift. I don’t know who’s idea it was to reintroduce these guys into 40k via this box set, but I honestly…
Showcase: Blackstone Fortress Rein and Raus by SpaceShrimp
Hi everyone, SpaceShrimp reporting in from the Precipice with…some Rammstein lyrics for you? Ladies, gentlemen, mutants and hybrids, I present to you: Rein and Raus. More after the Mag-lift. How can you not adore these lil’ guys? Charming, mischievous, yet you still know they would completely…
Showcase: Blackstone Fortress Dahyak Grekh, Kroot Tracker by SpaceShrimp
Hi folks It’s me Cat aka SpaceShrimp again, reporting in from the Precipice with our first encounter of a hero – a hero for hire no less. More after the Mag-lift. Dahyak Grekh was my first attempt at a hero, and I am pretty happy…
Showcase: Blackstone Fortress Negavolt Cultists by SpaceShrimp
Hi everyone, It is me Cat aka SpaceShrimp with the latest instalment in the Blackstone mini-series. More after the Mag-lift. Ohm – my god, these models where shockingly painful to de-mold line. But I re-fused to give up and somehow managed to not break their…
Showcase: Blackstone Fortress Spindle Drones by SpaceShrimp
Hi everyone, It is me Cat aka SpaceShrimp again, this time reporting in from the Precipice with some alarming reports of previously unknown Xenos. More after the Mag-lift. Introducing your favourite 3 legged Xeno, here is my take on the sinister Spindle Drones from Blackstone…
Showcase: Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guard by SpaceShrimp
Hi everyone, It is me Cat aka SpaceShrimp reporting in from the Precipice with some strange sightings of the local ne’er-do-wells. More after the Mag-lift. When I first learned about Blackstone Fortress, I instantly knew it was a must have. The aesthetic of the box…
Showcase: Blackstone Fortress Amallyn Shadowguide and Janus Draik
Hi all! Here are my first two miniatures of this year! Aeldari Ranger Amallyn Shadowguide and Rouge Trader Janus Draik from the Blackstone Fortress box set. Check out my version of Janus after the jump… I really like this range of miniatures and it was…
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