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Hi readers, it’s Rich back again with a quick post for you. When I first saw the new Shadowspear boxed set I got very excited, not just because I have an army of Primaris Marines but because I was immediately captivated by this model, the Vanguard Librarian in Phobos armour. I like the urban camouflage colour scheme on Games Workshops mini but varied the colours a bit for more of a city environment and also to contrast with the dark armour of the rest of the army. Overall I’m really pleased with how he came out and I hope you enjoy this look at another one of my Ravenguard minis.
Let me know what you’d like to see more of in the future; Raven Guard, Custodes or something a little more garish and 2nd edition…
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Great model. Would love to see some Raven Guard in a future post!
Thanks Ciaran I’ll work in something for the future 🙂
That looks great, perhaps the camouflage is a bit too blue for urban camo I'd imagine dark scorched ruins and red dust looking at the ground colour, but who knows what battelfields he is operating in! It looks a bit like Naval camouflage. But, its a big Galaxy, not a criticism for your efforts, the buildings might be made of blue rockcrete/crystal/glass and iron. I will defo get this model, its very cool pose and ripe for meme material – he knows what you are thinking!
Thanks Siph 🙂
The colours are inspired by the urban camouflage used by the imperial guard in the city fight book during 3rd edition.