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This is my first Hierophant, not the one you might have been following in the WIP blogs. It’s my older paint scheme.

As I mentioned this is my older scheme. Plenty of yellow patterning and the green spot colour. It also has the striping on the claws and the carapace which I don’t like anymore. I much prefer the new Hierophant I’ve been working on. It’s a daunting kit with numerous parts, the most of which are spikes… and I pinned every spike on both phants.

This Hierophant has had all the leg strengthening that I mentioned in this blog entry here and it’s still standing tall after over 4 years with no signs of movement.

It’s a monster in a games. 16x strength 10 shots. A charge range of between 20″ to 30″ and 8x strength 10 attacks (or the ability to stomp everyone in base combat). So owning 2 of these plus a Harridan isn’t going to win me any friends… I think it might be enough to take down a warlord titan as well. What do you think?

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay