This is my first Hierophant, not the one you might have been following in the WIP blogs. It’s my older paint scheme.
As I mentioned this is my older scheme. Plenty of yellow patterning and the green spot colour. It also has the striping on the claws and the carapace which I don’t like anymore. I much prefer the new Hierophant I’ve been working on. It’s a daunting kit with numerous parts, the most of which are spikes… and I pinned every spike on both phants.
This Hierophant has had all the leg strengthening that I mentioned in this blog entry here and it’s still standing tall after over 4 years with no signs of movement.
It’s a monster in a games. 16x strength 10 shots. A charge range of between 20″ to 30″ and 8x strength 10 attacks (or the ability to stomp everyone in base combat). So owning 2 of these plus a Harridan isn’t going to win me any friends… I think it might be enough to take down a warlord titan as well. What do you think?
i stumbled across this heirophant on google and instantly recognised its colour scheme, its the mighty max scorpion!
its got red legs and body, black carapace, purple mouth part, and green/yellow and purple detail. 🙂 jackpot
That is incredible. I loved Mighty Max as a kid (I had some red skull mountain). I never had the scorpion though, it does look the same! Mental. Thanks for sharing.
Really nice. I particularly like the pattern on his back!
I won't be repainting this model Snake88. I quite like the idea of them being different. Kinda like they have their own personalities and characteristics. They're close enough in scheme to look like they're from the same Brood.
Very cool. I like the purple around the maw. Makes the kind of pin head look much more interesting and makes it stand out.
I think she looks awesome! I cant decide which one I like more. Seeing as you prefer the newer one do you think that you might repaint this one at some point?