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Hi everyone, it’s been quite a long time since my last post. This year has been especially busy for me so I haven’t had the time to do as much painting as I wanted. In saying that I did manage to get some painting done thus may I present, my Necropolis Hawk Intercessor.

Quite some time ago in White Dwarf, there was an article for making new space marine Chapters thus I stumbled across Darren Latham’s awesome colour scheme for the Necropolis Hawks who are a Raven Guard successor chapter which was an added bonus So I decided to do a test model for this scheme.

The decals on the shoulder pads were done by the good guys from Fall Out Hobbies did a great job with the custom shoulder pad decals which worked great otherwise it would have been a painstaking task painting the chapter icon on every marine.

I really hope to do more of these guys in the near future. I hope you like the mini as much as I had fun painting it. That’s it from me. Take care everyone until next time!