Garfy painted his Annihilation Barge in almost no time, so I’m hard-pressed to finish my Dark Eldar Raider in time for the end of month two of our Tale of Mega Painters project. The vehicle itself is almost complete, now I need to paint the crew.
As you can see, I added a rune pattern to the sail. I’m not as good at painting freehands as Garfy, nor do I have enough patience for intricate designs, but I’m quite happy with how it turned out. It’s based on some Dark Eldar runes I’ve got from Eye of Error. Check out his Dark Eldar blog, it’s full of creative conversions and nice paint jobs. What I’m not quite happy with is the transfer on the hull. The symbol of the Last Hatred itself is a bit stupid to begin with (skullz!!!11), and it looks a bit lost on the model. I think I’m gonna add a blue vertical stripe so that it doesn’t just look like a randomly slapped on decal, what do you think?
I think you are exactly right about the decal. The blue will help draw attention to the decal while tying it into the rest of the army and vehicle. Keep up the great work.
I think you are spot on with your assessment of the transfer. I honestly don't think it works at all as its so small and doesn't really fit your scheme. I think if you do some simple freehand with the blue on the sail, using the same style of runes I think your raider will really pop. I 100% what you mean about doing the runes on the hull though. I have been putting it off for almost two years lol. Regardless though the army is looking amazing so far, can't wait to see more of the army finished.