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Hi all, it’s Rich back again and this time with something green, with a white base! That’s right, no green bases and no (power) armour! As you may be aware Christmas is just around the corner and Games Workshop released this delightful little Christmassy Gretchin revolutionary.

Da Red Gobbo is an amazingly detailed miniature especially when you realise he’s the same height as a paint pot! I particularly like the metallic red baubles, they are super easy to do, just a bright silver covered in Tamiya clear red. I think I’d be quite concerned however if he came down my chimney on Christmas Eve with that bag of grenades.

This model is a bit different for me because I painted it for the joy of painting and to sell for charity, Action for M.E. They are a fantastic charity that is dear to my heart, they work to improve the lives of those with M.E. or chronic fatigue syndrome. So if you fancy picking up yourself, a loved one or friend this Gobbo and being charitable at the same time, he is up for sale on eBay. 100% of the proceeds go to Action for M.E.