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Today I’m showing the new Ultramarine Centurions Assault Squad that I picked up a few weeks ago. I must say that after looking at Garfys post on how he converted the model, I wish I did the same. The models as they come are fairly static looking. I would have really of liked the option to have a bit more variety in the poses. So hats off to Garfy for doing this so well. I painted them using the same colours that Septembers White Dwarf magazine used in a tutorial. I actually really liked using GW’s colours as the blue’s they produce are very vibrant. Normally I always tend to use mainly Vallejo paints, so the change was nice. Overall I’m a bit 50/50 with whether I like the models or not. I think if they are converted to be a bit less static they look nice. I’m currently in awe of the some of the new Forge World models that were being released at Games Day last Sunday in the UK. What do you guys think about the new Centurions?