Seriously, I’m having the craziest week. Everything that can break is breaking. One of my 3D printers broke, my motorbikes rear disc and pads needed replacing, my Dyson vacuum cleaner broke… Find out after the jump why I’m saying all this.
Anyone who knows me, will know I’m a bit of a have a go hero when it comes to DIY. I don’t like throwing things away and prefer to try and fix them. I also don’t like paying money to people to fix it if I can learn how to do it myself. The problem with this is it all takes time. 3D printer fixed after 2 hours of stripping it down, problem solving, replace a part and done. Motorbike parts ordered, arrived, tools bought, couple of hours later with youtube and a Haynes manual and the bike is fixed (saving me £250 if i’d taken it to a Triumph dealer). Dyson motor and switch order, spent 2 hours fitting the parts and it still didn’t work, so I slept on it and the next day opened it up and soldered a broken wire and the vacuum cleaner lives.
Lots of success stories this week, but not in the much of painting. I missed my weekly deadline to paint two Blightlord Terminators. I’m halfway through the next week and they’re still not done.
Tonight I’m hoping to get back on these and finish them as quickly as possible… It really doesn’t help I’m building a third 3D printer at the moment to help with the Garfy’s Get a Grip business.
Actually 3D printers have become really affordable. They used to cost a fortune but you can buy a 3D printer these days and not break your bank account. If you're interested you can check the website below.