Here comes the second Warband Expansion of Warhammer Underworlds Harrowdeep, The Exiled Dead. Deintalos and his electrically charged zombie experiments want to uncover the secrets of Harrowdeep, so in this review, we uncover the secrets of what you find inside The Exiled Dead box.

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The Exiled Dead are the second Warband expansion of Harrowdeep. Harrowdeep changed the roadmap of Warhammer Underworlds releases. Gone is the yearly format of a core set plus 6 warband expansions, instead we have a core set and two warband expansions every six month. Probably also due to Corona-related supply shortages, The Exiled Dead will be released together with the Nethermaze Core Set on April 30, 2022.

The Exiled Dead Review & Unboxing Warhammer Underworlds
This item was provided by Games Workshop. Thoughts and opinions are our own.


The Exiled Dead are an interesting warband, as we haven’t had a 7-model horde warband in a long time. The set contains 7 push-fit models, 7 fighter cards, a Rivals deck with 32 warband-specific cards (10 objectives, 10 upgrades, 12 ploys and gambits), 20 universal cards (6 objectives, 7 upgrades, 7 ploys), and 12 Grand Alliance cards.

Gameplay-wise, this warband brings an interesting innovation: the zombies start the game inspired, but become uninspired when they are resurrected. Apart from that, The Exiled Dead are a low-movement horde warband that can be unexpectedly aggressive and fast due to the Danse Dynamic ability.

The Exiled Dead – miniatures design

As usual, the models come on two small sprues and are push-fit monopose miniatures. The colour of the plastic is a warm zombie light grey:

The Exiled Dead Sprues unboxing
The sprues

The leader, Deintalos the Exiled, is a tall but slender vampire with a physique similar to Delaque gangers from Necromunda. He wears a skinned face and carries an electrically conductive staff with a gem cut similar to those of the Ossiarch Bonereapers. A simplistic but macabrely beautiful model, and I think many will buy the Warband just to have him as a cool Necromancer for their Soulblight Gravelords army.

The four Arcwalker zombies are very similar to the models from the Deadwalker Zombie Set, but most of them have small conductive devices stuck in their bodies. The most outstanding model is Coyl, with his pumped-up Frankenstein arm, the other Arcwalkers, however, are a bit plain, I would have liked the electrical contraptions to be a bit more elaborate and creative.

Last but not least, we have Prentice Marcov and Regulus, who wears armour that is pretty much the same as the new Deathrattle Skeletons. Although they look almost like all the other Deadwalkers, the two are not experiments of Deintalos, instead Marcov is a low rank Necromancer who is inspired when an attack from Regulus is successful. However, the model does not really look like a Necromancer, in my opinion.

Fun factor

Here you can find all the fighter cards. For a more detailed analysis of all cards and possible playstyles, have a look at our friend John’s review over on Canyourollacrit. The Exiled Dead seem to be one of the stronger warbands because of their strong aggro potential.


The price of the Warband expansions has increased again with the last price increase in March and it’s up to £26/34 €/$42, a bit more expensive than the original price of say Blackpowder’s Buccaneers. The Exiled Dead are available to (pre)order at our partner stores Wayland Games, Element Games, and Taschengelddieb with a decent discount of up to 20%, check it out and support us with this link:



  • Aggro & horde playstyle feels fresh
  • Deintalos is a pretty cool model
  • 7 models in total


  • The Arcwalker's design is a bit bland
  • Yet another price increase on Warband expansions

Final Verdict

The Exiled Dead are a warband expansion with fresh ideas and gameplay elements. Despite the many models and low movement value, they can be a very strong aggro warband, perhaps even a little too strong. Except for the leader Deintalos, however, the miniature design is a bit boring; definitely more could have been made out of the concept of "electrically charged zombies".