Yet another Eldar Warrior Aspect in plastic: Enter the brand new all-plastic Shining Spears, some of the oldest, but not the oldest Aspect Warriors to receive an update. In this unboxing and review, we take a look at what the new kit has to offer.

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Aeldari Shining Spears Review, box
This item was kindly provided by Games Workshop. Thoughts and opinions are our own.

The new Aeldari Shining Spears are an all-new plastic kit and not an upgrade sprue to the existing Windrider jetbikes. You can build three models from this set, either an Exarch and two Aspect Warriors, or three regular Shining Spears. We have a choice of helmets and bare heads, as well as multiple weapon options for the Exarch.

Shining Spears unboxing

I unboxed the new Shining Spears kit in this YouTube short video:

The box has two regular sized sprues, large flying bases, and the updated transfer sheet. As mentioned before, the sprues are all new. The design is a total overhaul of the old 3rd Edition models. Shining Spears jetbikes also differ slightly from regular Windrider jetbikes. There are additional fins on the underbody, the canopies are slightly longer, and they are also controlled one-handed, so there is a cutaway on the right to rest the laser lances for a joust.

The Aspect Warrior themselves have universal arm and head connectors compatible with all modern Eldar kits. The flat contact points for the arms allow for subtle variances in posing. You can choose between three helmets and three bare heads, two of them with impressively long ponytails, one with a folded ponytail, plus a plumed helmet and a half mask with an attached plume for the Exarch.

Eldar Shining Spears contents
Shining Spears box content

The Exarch can optionally receive a Shuriken Cannon, as well as a Star Lance, the tip of which resembles a Fire Prism, or a Void Sabre. He also wears a shield generator on his arm and can get a small flag for his jetbike. The set is compatible with the arms and heads from the Autarch kit, so it is also easy to kitbash an Autarch on Jetbike.


As expected, the RRP of £37.50 / 50€ / $60 is a significant step up from the regular Windrider Jetbikes, which are £32.50 / 42.50€ / $55 since the price rise in March 2022, and minimally cheaper than the Shroud Runner Jetbikes, which are also available individually from now on.

You can (pre)order the Shining Spears from our partner stores Wayland Games, Element Games, and Taschengelddieb at a welcome discount. Using our links helps to support Tale of Painters at no extra cost to you, thank you very much 🙂



  • Another Aspect translated into plastic
  • Updated design
  • Choice of helmets and bare heads


  • Price tag
  • No Aspect statue included

Final Verdict

The revised Shining Spears are another solid entry in the Eldar model library. To Jes Goodwin's credit, the 3rd Edition designs have been completely reworked, all weapon options are included, and even the jetbikes have subtle differences from the standard Aeldari jetbikes. Only the small statue of the Eldar deities, as included in all other Aspect Warrior kits, is unfortunately missing.