With some delay, the Tome of Champions 2021 for WarCry will be released. In this review, we take a look at the contents of this massive 156-page book and find out if it is worth buying.

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The WarCry Tome of Champions 2021 is on preorder from Saturday 12th, 2022, and will be out on Saturday 19th. It’s a full-colour book with a massive page count of 156 pages, the RRP is £20/25 €.

Review: WarCry Tome of Champions 2021 Book cover


Flip through the book with me in this video:

Quite a lot of digest. Here is the contents page:

Review: WarCry Tome of Champions 2021 Contents page

WarCry Tome of Champions 2021 Contents

So you can look forward to:

  • Rules update with Grand Alliance rules and updated Campaign and Artifact rules (reprinted with minor updates from Tome of Champions 2020)
  • Point updates for all warbands
  • Siege rules and a siege scenario for Open Play
  • 4 new branching quests (one for each Grand Alliance), 4 new fated quests (one for each Grand Alliance), and 6 narrative campaigns (one new, the other five are collected from Warhammer Community downloads) for Narrative Play
  • 6 new pitched battles and a new tournament pack with hidden agendas for Matched Play
  • Warbands rules for Lumineth Realmlords, Soulblight Gravelords, Thunderstrike Stormcast, and Kruleboyz (collected from Warhammer Community downloads)
  • “Bladeborn Fighters” – rules for all Warhammer Underworlds warbands fighters (Harrowdeep warbands not included)

Initial verdict

This book has a lot of bang for its buck, as the price tag is rather cheap in comparison to other Games Workshop rules publications (make sure to pick it up before the price rise in March). It’s probably an auto-buy for all WarCry players for the point updates alone, but there is a little bit for everyone: Siege rules, lots of new campaigns, new warband rules for the first time in print, and rules to add Warhammer Underwolds models to your warbands. Thumbs up!

I hope you enjoyed this quick review of the WarCry Tome of Champions 2021, and if you’re thinking of getting the book, check out our partner stores Wayland Games, Element Games and Taschengelddieb, which are offering the book at a discount, and support Tale of Painters by using this affiliate link without extra costs to you.