To bolster my Soulblight Gravelords warband for Warcry, I’ve enlisted some bestial support in the form of a Vargskyr. This iconic model is one of my favourites from Warhammer Quest: Cursed City, and it pairs wonderfully with my Fell Bats. In this post, I’ll share pictures and explain how I painted the body and details of the Vargskyr.

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Cursed City was released quite some time ago (definitely check out Garfy’s post on it, he has painted all the models and created tutorials for them!). I secured the Vargskyr back then because I thought it was super cool and loved its strong silhouette. But now it was finally time to bring it to life with some colour. For our planned Warcry Triumph & Treachery multiplayer game with Garfy and Dunk, I needed a heavy hitter.

Vargskyr from Warhammer Quest: Cursed City, front view, painted by Stahly

Those who follow me on Patreon know that I had a mishap while I painted the Vargskyr (I regularly post WIP pictures directly from my paint station there). I accidentally dropped the model and one of the fingers on the right hand broke off, and of course, the piece was lost. I tried to resculpt the finger with Green Stuff, but I’m not very good at sculpting, so I set the Vargskyr aside for a while and painted Sister Tariana Palos instead. Meanwhile, I tinkered with a solution and eventually repaired the model by taking a Blue Stuff imprint of one of the other fingers, then casted it with Green Stuff wrapped around a piece of wire. After some smoothing, the result turned out surprisingly inconspicuous and is quite sturdy.

Painting the Vargskyr

To paint the model, I used the same colour palette as for my Fell Bats but applied slightly different techniques. Completely black models can sometimes look a bit dull, so I used multiple tones to add interest. I chose a cool blue-grey for the body and fur, and a warm grey with reddish glazes for the fleshy parts like the face and membranes.

I primed the model black, then applied a zenithal base coat with AK 3rd Gen Anthracite Grey using the airbrush. After that, I drybrushed with Thunderhawk Blue and Warpaints Fanatic Uniform Grey and washed everything with Pro Acryl Black Wash diluted with some Contrast Medium. Lastly, I added manual highlights with Thunderhawk Blue and accentuated the fur with WPF Uniform Grey.

For the additional details, I followed the colour recipes you can find in my post about the Fell Bats:

If you’re reading this, I have already returned from London and our Warcry afternoon is behind us. How my Vargskyr fared against Garfy’s Stormcast Eternals and Dunk’s Chaos Legionaries will be revealed in a future post when I give a detailed introduction to my Soulblight Gravelords warband.

Cinematic shot of a Soulblight Gravelords Vargskyr on a purple background with lightning

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