In this ToP Tip series, I’m sharing some of my favourite paint recipes. Find out how I painted the dingy red of my Gallowdark Space Hulk corridors with these three visual painting guides.

1. Red-tinted Space Hulk walls
Here is how I painted the red walls of my Gallowdark terrain. It’s super fast and doesn’t require an airbrush as you can just use red spray paint.
Colours used – and their closest matches from the Citadel Colour range in [brackets]:
- AK Fine Primer Black [or Chaos Black spray]
- Colour Forge Sanguine Red spray [or Mephiston Red spray]
- Citadel Word Bearers Red
- Two Thin Coats Rust Orange [or Squig Orange]
- Vallejo Game Color Black [or Abaddon Black]
- Vallejo Model Air Steel [or Stormhost Silver]
If you want to add these colours to your collection, a click on the links will take you to one of our partner shops.
2. Yellow ammo crates
Inspired by the hazard stripes on the Gallowfall and Soulshackle boards I decided to paint the ammo crates in a rich yellow.
Colours used – and their closest matches from the Citadel Colour range in [brackets]:
- Colour Forge Hyrax Brown spray [or Rhinox Hide basecoat]
- Warpaints Air Molten Orange [or Squig Orange]
- Warpaints Air Gold Yellow [or Yriel Yellow]
- Citadel Seraphim Sepia
- Citadel Fuegan Orange
- AK 3rd Gen Golden Yellow [or Yriel Yellow / Dorn Yellow mix]
- Citadel Rhinox Hide
If you want to add these colours to your collection, a click on the links will take you to one of our partner shops.
3. Corroded Gallowdark steel doors
For the steel parts I wanted to have a lot of rust. I started by spraying the doors silver and then washed selected recesses with multiple coats of thinned paint to build up a rich rust colour.
Colours used – and their closest matches from the Citadel Colour range in [brackets]:
- AK Fine Primer Black [or Chaos Black spray]
- Vallejo Mecha Color Dark Steel [or Leadbelcher]
- Green Stuff World Liquid Pigments Medium Rust [or thinned Doombull Brown]
- Green Stuff World Liquid Pigments Light Rust Rust [or thinned Doombull Brown / Skragg Brown mix]
- Two Thin Coats Iron Oxide [or thinned Trollslayer Orange]
- Vallejo Mecha Color Steel [or Iron Hands Steel]
- Vallejo Model Air Steel [or Stormhost Silver]
If you need to expand your paint collection, check out our 🇬🇧/🇪🇺 partner stores Wayland Games, Element Games, and Firestorm Games, at 🇩🇪 Taschengelddieb and PK-Pro, and at 🇺🇸 Noble Knight Games, which all offer an amazing range of paints and hobby products at a discount. Using our links helps to support Tale of Painters at no additional cost to you, so thank you very much for using them!
The complete paint recipes for my Gallowdark scheme can be found in this post:
And for more pictures check out this post.
Let me know if these recipes have helped or inspired you in the comments section below or post your results on our friendly Warhammer hobby Discord server.
Leave a reaction, feel free to tell me what you’d like to see in more recipes, and until next time, happy hobbying 🙂
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