I’ve expanded my popular free paint swatches for Citadel Contrast, Speedpaint 2.0, Vallejo Xpress Color, and Green Stuff World Dipping Inks to include the Instant Color range from Scale 75. Additionally, there’s now improved image quality, all completely free to download here on Tale of Painters!

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Get the free swatches here

I put the updated “one coat” paint swatches in this post:

If you want to support my work, you can find my handy all-in-one swatch on Patreon. This also includes the 5 free single swatches in uncompressed original resolution:

5-in-1 One Coat paint comparison chart banner 2.0

This hand-painted swatch is available in my Patreon shop for a small donation (or by becoming an Autarch tier member). I also have swatches for Citadel, Vallejo Game and Model Color, Warpaints Fanatic, AK 3rd Gen and more – all cross-compatible with each other so you can compare colours across different brands. Check out my shop for details.

Happy hobbying!