Here on Tale of Painters, we unbox and review all the new Skaven models following the Skaventide launch. This is part 2 of our mega-review, and we cover all Clan Skryre models such as the Warp-Grinder, Doom-Flayers, and the Arch-Warlock and Warlock Galvaneer.

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Skaven Warp-Grinder, Doom-Flayers, Arch-Warlock & Warlock Galvaneer review and unboxing
These items were kindly provided by Games Workshop. Thoughts and opinions are our own.

The new Skaven models can be preordered from Saturday, September 7, 2024. They go on sale on September 21, following not a two- but three-week preorder window.

Skaven 2024 release wave mega review part 2

Here on Tale of Painters, we’ll be reviewing all the models from the new Skaven wave. Part 1 covers the new Stormvermin, Acolyte Globadiers, the weapon teams of the Warpspark Weapon Battery, and the new character model, Krittok Foulblade. Click here for the review.

In this post, we cover all the remaining Clan Skryre models from this wave: the Warp-Grinder, Doom-Flayers, plus the Arch-Warlock and his Warlock Galvaneer lackey.

The new Skaven Warp-Grinder

The Skaven Warp-Grinder, previously a metal and Finecast model, has now been re-imagined as a new plastic kit. The set is significantly larger than before, now standing on a 90 mm oval base and includes 2 medium-sized sprues. After seeing how many assembly options this amazing kit has, the model became one of my favourite models from this wave.

Skaven plastic Warp-Grinder sprues review

Patreon bonus content: Ultra high-res, uncompressed versions of the sprue images (inc. backsides) for the entire Skaven wave can be downloaded here.

The body of the Warp-Grinder has the choice of two covering for the warpstone core, and you can rotate the drill head before you glue it in place. For the two Skaven slaves operating it, there are two head variants each. The attached battery can be placed so that the Skryre Acolyte stands either to its left or right, with two different hose pieces provided for this. The Acolyte also has two head variants and two sets of arms and back pieces, depending on where you position him. You can choose between two different lightning coils for the battery, offering some additional variation.

Plastic Doom-Flayers reviewed

The Doom-Flayers have also been re-released in plastic, with the kit containing two identical small sprues that allow you to build two models on 50 mm bases. Cosmetic options include two head variants for the driver as well as two right arms with blades. Additionally, you can swap the left and right halves of the wheel, allowing the Doom-Flayer to tilt either to the left or right.

Skaven plastic Doom-flayers sprues review

Patreon bonus content: Ultra high-res, uncompressed versions of the sprue images (inc. backsides) for the entire Skaven wave can be downloaded here.

A look at the new Skaven Arch-Warlock and Warlock Galvaneer

The Arch-Warlock comes in a small box containing a single small sprue and a 32mm base. With 19 parts, the model is complex to assemble, but you get a highly detailed character model complete with a scenic base. However, there are no alternative parts or posing options.

Patreon bonus content: Ultra high-res, uncompressed versions of the sprue images (inc. backsides) for the entire Skaven wave can be downloaded here.

The Warlock Galvaneer is a new “variant” of the Clan Skryre followers, who have a penchant for warp lightning weapons. The model comes on a sprue the size of a clampack, with a 28mm base, and has no build options. Sometimes less is more, and I really like the rather minimalist design, as it makes the sculpted lightning effects stand out all the better.

You can find the latest GW releases at our 🇬🇧/🇪🇺 partner stores Wayland GamesElement Games, and Firestorm Games, at 🇩🇪 Taschengelddieb and PK-Pro, and at 🇺🇸 Noble Knight Games with a welcome discount of up to 20% over RRP. Using our links helps to support Tale of Painters at no additional cost to you, so thank you very much for using them!

More Skaven reviews on Tale of Painters

Over the coming days and weeks, we’ll review the entire wave of new Skaven models, including high-res sprue images and a rundown of all assembly options. Stay tuned, next up are Vizzik Skour and all the Clan Moulder models.

I hope you found this review helpful, feel free to leave a reaction or comment below, or post your questions here or discuss on our Discord channel.




Warlock Galvaneer

Final Verdict

The new Skaven models are a delight for Skaven collectors and impress with consistently well-executed designs across the board. Considering that Skaven are a horde army, the prices aren’t exactly cheap, especially for the larger models, although they are in line with comparable Age of Sigmar models. However, you can bulk out your core units with the more affordable starter sets and Skaventide.