On today’s blog post, I’ll share pictures of my finished Blood Angels Death Company Dreadnought, check out how he did in a recent battle and there’s a recipe card showing how I painted the Dreadnought. There’s also a bonus army picture so you can see all 1720pts in their painted glory.

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Utilising the Brutalis chasis, Primaris Space Marines are now interred into the bigger class Dreadnought’s sarcophagus.

Models supplied by Games Workshop. My thoughts and opinions are my own.

Blood Angels players were blessed with their very own specific Dreadnought and it was great, you could build it as a Death Company Dreadnought and it had molded saltires which made painting those red crosses really easy. That kit has now been retired and instead of getting a brand new kit, Blood Angel players now get to use the Brutalis Dreadnought with a Blood Angel upgrade sprue. I added skull and cross bone Death Company icons to the front armour and a large winged blood drop icon to the shoulder (it had to be curved round to fit the pad’s profile). Those were the only things I added. It would have been cool to get a skull peaking out of the sarcophagus or some custom molded knee and shoulder pads, but honestly I’m just happy to have an upscaled beast of a Dreadnought. Just check out the size difference below.


The Brutalis kit has a few build options and I opted for the Blood Talons over the Blood Fists. The Blood Talons have two melee profiles, one is str 12 with 6 attacks and the other is str 7 with 10 attacks, I thought this made it quite versatile, it can either charge tanks or infantry and rip them to shreds. I also gave it twin multi-melta, good against tanks and armoured infantry. The twin icarus iron hail stubber gives it some anti-aircraft weaponry which can also be used on infantry.

The Death Company Dreadnought can be built in any pose you wish, I’ve seen some people have theirs in a full-blown running pose which is cool. I decided I wanted mine standing on some raised rocks, so I built the base first and then I built the legs and feet to fit the shape of the rocks.

Blood Angels Death Company Dreadnought with Twin Blood Talons, Twin Multi-meltas and Icarus Iron Hail Stubber.

Last Saturday I met up with Dunk for a rematch against his Astra Millitarum. This time we upped the points to 1550pts. I ditched my Baal Predator and instead I took a Stormraven and the Death Company Dreadnought.

At the beginning of turn 2, I hit Dunk’s lines with everything all at once.

For this game, I took the Angelic Host detachment, which allows you pick up jump pack units and redeploy them via deepstike. With Dante, his Sanguinary Guard and the Assault Intercessors landing behind enemy lines the Stormraven flew onto the board and dropped off a squad of Terminators and the Death Company Dreadnought. Overall thoughout the battle, I slowly worked my way through all of Dunk’s tanks using everything I had this was to the detriment of my Take and Hold Primary mission. Dunk cleared up by going after the objectives and scored 82 victory points to my 40 victory points. It was a crazy game and we made a few of mistakes, but Dunk deserved the victory, he played a blinder controlling most of the objective markers for the majority of the game.

I’ve spent a few months now solidly painting Blood Angels and this is everything I have to show for my efforts. It totals 1720pts. It’s not very optimised, I’m a painter so I tend to paint what I like. Turns out what I like is painting characters and this army has 6 of them! I’m going to change this army a bit for 2000pts and remove some of the characters and instead I’m going to increase the Assault Intercessors and Death Company to 10 strong and then add a squad of 10 scouts. I want a Jump Pack Captain to lead the Assault Intercessors and finally I want a Gladiator Lancer which will give me some ranged anti-tank.

How to Paint Death Company

The Death Company Dreadnought is painted exactly the same as my Death Company with Jump Packs. These recipe cards are so useful to me to ensure consistency across different units in the army. Below is my guide on what colours I used for painting the bases.

With two games under my belt, I really want to optimise my army and make it better. I’m looking forward to building some Scouts and Assault Intercessor models this week.

I still have more Blood Angels and I’ll be sharing those Blood Angel units I’ve painted, plus more tales from the battlefield and more painting tips, so bookmark this page and check back every Thursday!

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