These are some high quality pictures of a little model I painted for fellow Brückenkopf author Darkover. He just got married and as a kind of wedding present he asked all of his wargamer friends to contribute a painted Night Goblin. I don’t know why you would want a regiment full of Night Goblins to your wedding, but nevertheless here is my model 😉
I based my scheme on the studio paintjobs but kept the palette more muted overall. For those interested in the colours used:
Base – Calthan Brown, drybrushed with P3 Beast Hide and Jack Bone
Skin – Knarloc Green, shaded with Badab Black, highlights with RMS Olive and Swamp Green (Pegasus Oliv- and Sumpfgrün). Eyes are Blood Red with a Fiery Orange highlight. Teeth are Dheneb Stone with a P3 Morrow White highlight.
Cloak – Black with Charadon Granite and P3 Bastion Grey highlights
Red – Mechrite Red, washed with Devlan Mud, highlights with Mechrite Red and Vermin Brown
Moons – Ianyden Darksun, shaded with Gryphonne Sepia, highlights with P3 Menoth White Base and Highlight
Ropes – Beast Hide, layered with Menoth White Base and highlighted with MW Highlight
Metal – P3 Pig Iron, highlights with Mithril Silver
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Haha lolz… very nice job dude, keep up 😀
Hi there
I really enjoy your tutorials thanks for taking the time to publish these I am thinking of Beastmen army and currently working on Eldar so these are a great help. Keep it up!