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I started work on the Weapon Platform and the last Guardian Defender. I finished the base of the platform and did the shading of the red parts. The Guardian needs to be tidied up though.
Stahly hails from Craftworld Germany and has been involved with Warhammer since childhood. He has painted several armies and countless warbands and Kill Teams over the decades, and founded Tale of Painters in 2011. When he's not painting miniatures incredibly slowly, he's testing the latest paints, tools and kits with German precision and a no non-sense attitude.
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Yes, you seem to have a very well disciplined style of painting. I usually stick my models on temporary bases using wall-tac (sticky, reusable white stuff used to hang things on your wall) and then paint them separately. I'm afraid of getting paint from their boots on the base. I haven't run into any mixed bags of sand – they're all one size usually. I'll see if I can buy some of that stuff on eBay. Do you use generic static grass? I've never worked with the stuff. As you can guess my bases are pretty boring.
Hi, it's actually rather easy. I apply slightly thinned PVA glue to the base and dip it into my sand mix. I'm using the "Tabletop Sand" mix from Ziterdes (probably difficult to get outside Germany, it's basically a mix of fine and rough sand). Once dry, I seal the texture with watered done PVA glue. I always base before priming and painting.
Hi Stahly,
Do you happen to have a tutorial on how you base your models? I've noticed you include how to paint the base with your tutorials – but I haven't seen anything regarding the creation of the base. It's what I struggle with the most, so much in fact that I've been forced to buy resin scenic bases.
For instance, I really like the base you have laid out for the weapons platform. Your bases always seem to come out clean looking and awesome.
These are looking nice chap , The head swap looks great and will be stolen ;o) I only just found your blog and you commented on my work when I used to post on Warseer I too Have also moved to blogging have a look,see what you think.
I'll be in here from time to time from now on. looking forward to seeing more eldar from you ;o)