A super quick post today sharing my latest finished Blood Angel model, the Sanguinary Priest. Is this the most pointless model Games Workshop released in 2024?

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Striding through the devastation left by his jump pack equipped brothers, the lone Sanguinary Priest tries desperately to keep up.

Models supplied by Games Workshop. My thoughts and opinions are my own.

Most Blood Angels Characters have jump packs. Even Space Marine Characters like Chaplains and Captains can have jump packs. A lot of Blood Angels armies including mine are predominately jump pack Assault Intercessors, Death Company with jump packs and Sanguinary Guard, yet the humble Sanguinary Priest isn’t allowed a Jump Pack.

I painted my Priest in an homage to how Sanguinary Priest were painted in the 90s with red armour. Very reminiscent of

I would have loved to have been able to add this model to a bodyguard of Assault Intercessors. Instead I’m at a bit of a loss as to what to do with him? I think I’m going to buy a unit for him to protect with his Feel No Pain ability. I’m thinking it might be fun having him join a Devastator Squad armed with Grav Cannons and have them dropped off next to the enemies biggest War Machine. Each of those Grav Cannons dish out 3 attacks and are anti-vehicle 2+ doing a flat 3 damage per shot. Shooting against an Oath of Moment Target will give me rerolls to hit. When the inevitable retribution comes from the enemy force, the Sanguinary Priest will help protect them with a 5+ Feel No Pain.

From pointless model, to a nice little resilient combination. I’m excited to work on my Primaris-sized Devastators now, although I’d still have preferred it if the Priest came with a Jump Pack option.

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay