This seems like a good way to start a blog post and finish the year by sharing my finished Start Collecting Soulblight Gravelords Box. I only had 7 Graveguard left to paint and I would have finished them months ago but you know how it is, something shinier and more dragoney came along.

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I thought this might be the last Soulblight Gravelord’s unit I paint for a while but with GW announcing that Cursed City is returning with Expansions I can see myself painting up some more Vyrkos Vampires when they’re released. I hope Belladamma Volga, Lady Annika, Kritza and of course Radukar the Beast all get expansions. I also want some Dire Wolves. They’d be a perfect addition to Belladamma if she was to get an expansion.

While I’m wishlisting things I’d love to see I would like to see an updated Graveguard kit. THese ones are a touch on the small side when compared to the new Deathrattle Skeleton plastics. They’re ok though, I don’t mind them really even if they are fiddly to put together.

The Start Collecting Soulblight Gravelords set

I think finishing a Start Collecting Set (or Vanguard or Combat Patrol) is as rewarding as finishing a boxed game, it should be celebrated by buying more miniatures right? Well I treated myself to some Nurgle miniatures. I think Nurgle might be my new year new army, or at least new year new warcry warband.

One final thing before I go, be sure to pop back on Saturday as I’ll be posting my annual Recap and Hobby Resolutions post.

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay