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Hey folks! I’m back after a week of ill health with a brand new little project to share with you.
Here you see a most ‘armless Tau Crisis Battlesuit. It’s primed black with a very dark grey/blue zenithal highlight done with the airbrush. So. this is going to be a darkly toned Tau with some (hopefully) nice contrating spot colouration. The theme for this model will become apparent as I progress. But for now readers. I have a question for you.
I’m not going to be magnetising this model in any way. It’s purely an experimental display model. So what weapon loadout would you folks like to see on this guy?
The Wight Jester
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Thanks folks. All good ideas. 🙂
shoulders with missiles and burst cannon on one arm, but use the stealth team version
If it's just a display model and my intended to be used for gaming purposes I would say burst cannons on each arm and plasma rifle on each shoulder (if the kit comes with enough).
*not intended (stupid autocorrect)
I really like the looks of having two missile pods on the shoulder jetpacks and a burst cannon on an arm.
I am a big fan of the plasma rifle purely on looks then the burst cannon (can they have those it's been years…)