Tale of Tuesdays: Arcane Month 4 – Bugman’s Bouncers
Well now sports fans, what a season it’s been! We’ve seen broken bones, black eyes and missing limbs… and that’s just in the Necrofunk changing rooms. It’s been an exciting run for all teams and it’s my pleasure to share with you the final lineup...
Tutorial: How to paint 2nd Edition style Ork Stormboyz by Rich
Hi all, Rich back again and this time with something a bit different, I’m back to my 2nd edition routes here with an iconic Ork Stormboy. This time however I thought I’d give you into an insight into how I paint my 2nd edition minis...
Showcase: Ultramarines Leviathan Dreadnought by Aurélie
Hey guys, it’s Aurélie, I’m back with this Horus Heresy Leviathan Dreadnought painted in the livery of the XIII. Legion, the Ultramarines. It’s a commission piece I’m also entering for the Scale Model Challenge. Check out more pictures after the jump. I added a couple...
Showcase: T’au Kill Team by Technasma
Hey Tale of Painters, good to be back. This time I’m sharing some of my T’au Kill Team and I’ve got some sweet Games Workshop style 360°spins! More after the jump! These T’au are part of Infiltration Cadre Aurora, a team dispatched on a vanguard...
Tale of Tuesdays: Arcane Month 3 – Bugman’s Bouncers
A warm welcome to all you sports fans out there joining us again for Month 3 of Tale Of Tuesdays! I’m Arcane and today i’m going to be sharing my Dwarf Giants progress with you! Those of you that have been following our progress will...
Showcase: Necropolis Hawks Intercessor by FruitBear
Hi everyone, it’s been quite a long time since my last post. This year has been especially busy for me so I haven’t had the time to do as much painting as I wanted. In saying that I did manage to get some painting done...
Tale of Tuesdays: Arcane’s Month 2 – Dwarf Giants
Gooooood evening sports fans! I’m here once again to give you a rundown of this season’s hard-hitting, beer-chugging heroes, the Bugman’s Bouncers! As you all know we are well into our second quarter and the teams are really fleshing out (Looking at you Necrofunk) I’ve...
Showcase: Adeptus Custodes Army Shot by Rich
Hi all, Rich back again with the final installment of my Adeptus Custodes series. They have been really good fun to paint and I’m pleased how they look on the tabletop, with the blue contrasting nicely with the shiny gold armour. Since last you saw...
Tale of Tuesdays: Arcane’s Month 1 – Dwarf Giants
Good evening to all you Cabal Vision viewers out there in the old world and beyond! What a pleasure it is to be here today to introduce the fourth and final team to our roster this season. All will be revealed after the jump! Firstly...
Showcase: Chaos Daemons Karanak, The Hound of Vengeancy by Uruk
Hello again, Uruk here with more Khorne goodies. Today I’m showcasing the first part of Wrath and Rapture (took me some time…) See you inside! So the Wrath and Rapture box set came out like 6 months ago and I’ve only started working through the...